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PLC or Logoblock? with FBD

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PLC or Logoblock? with FBD Empty PLC or Logoblock? with FBD

Post  bertkt Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:05 pm


I'me a newby here, I hope you can help me.
I've got a little bit experience with several types of logoblocks and in the past I've got already programmed the S7 from Siemens.
For my next project I will have around max. 64 inputs and max. 48 outputs. (For ease: let's assusme they're al digital)
But the client wants that everything is programmed in the FBD... my questions are:
- Can you program FBD in a PLC? Is there a brand that offers that? On first sight nobody does that.
- Is it possible that you extend a logoblock with a lot of extendsion blocks?
Many tanks in advance!

With kind regards,



Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-04-27

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